Tuesday, November 5, 2013



As the League of Legends was established to prevent further Rune Wars on Valoran, the neutral aligned summoners called forth exeptional individuals, referred to as "Champions", to batlle on the Fields of Justice in order to settle disputes. These champions have joined the League for various reasons. Some are soldiers who have pledged their allegiance to a particular nation and fight in their nation's interests.Some are renowned warriors who seek to prove themselves against Valoran's most powerful beings. Some are prisoners of the League, forcd to do the League's bidding as punishment. Some may even be strange creatures from other worlds, hoping to bring stability or futher discord to Runeterra. For whatever the champions's reason, they have gained the interest of the League of Legends.

In order to join the League, a potential champion, who has proven to possess extraordinary qualities, must travel to the Institute of War to undergo a Judgement. There, a designated summoner will probe their mind in order to determine the individual's motives. In truth, the intentions of the potential champion has little bearing on whether they are accepted into the  League or not. The primary purpose of Judgement is to determine whether the individual is capable of exposing their mind to the summoner, wich would allow the two to share their mental thoughts and act as ons. Should the potential champion pass their Judgement, as well as agreeing to the call of the summon, they will have become an official League champion.

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